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In 2019, as Visiting Researcher at the Department of Architecture, School of Design and Environment, National University of Singapore (NUS), I was involved in the Project «Pedestrian Comfort in High Pedestrian Activity Areas», awarded by the Ministry of National Development and the National Research Foundation*.


I worked for a period of four months in Workpackage 5 (WP5) and supported the development of new guidelines. This included design recommendations for various typologies of indoor and outdoor pedestrian walkways in Singapore (see following as examples). The work packages were divided among different project partners*.


The overall research objective was to provide the behavioural understanding, necessary tools and guidelines for enhancing existing and designing new comfortable pedestrian walkways in Singapore. The theoretical work was accompanied by own site specific research with regard to the «Walking  Experience in Singapore‘s Public Space». 


*For further project information click here.











Examples of Research Content 

Photo Credit: NUS Singapore / SUTD Singapore, Projectteam WP5  

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